Monday, February 3, 2014

Keeping Myself on Track - Weekly Schedule Printable

I don't know about you, but I go in phases of being on the ball with my household and totally slacking.  Usually this is because the weather is nice, and I want to get outside with the boys!  

One way that I attempt to stay on top of the mundane household duties is my Weekly Schedule Flipbook. 

I printed them out and had them laminated with heavy plastic.  Then I bound them with a simple ring.  I use a Vis-a-Vis to write in any other activities that I need to remember for the day.  

I would love to say that I stick to this every day, but honestly, I don't.  I love having it, though!  On the days that I get the majority done, and can cross them off, I feel so accomplished.  There is just something satisfying about crossing things off a list!  Don't you think?

Maybe I need to write in, "Write up Weekly Schedule Post" so I can cross it off!  

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